Space-Saving Ideas For A Small House In Los Angeles

It is a challenging task for every house owner to build a functional home that looks beautiful as well. However, the problem worsens if you have a small house. Hence, you need to carefully plan your house to make every corner of the house functional and spacious. If you plan your house properly with the help of a professional home remodeling contractor then you can generate more storage and thus can build a functional home.

If you want to call a local Los Angeles remodeling contractor then contact Victory Home Remodeling in Los Angeles. We will help you build your dream home keeping your convenience in mind. Our professionals will give you ideas on how to make every portion of your small house functional with optimum use of the space. They will make you understand how you can make the best use of that area by preparing a plan layout for your home. So, before you start working on the remodeling project, you should understand in what ways you can make your house more functional. You can follow the below ideas to make the most use of the space.

Space-Saving Ideas For A Small House In Los Angeles

Invest in Dual-purpose furniture

You can think about adding furniture that can serve dual functions. A foldable bed or a bed-cum-sofa can be the best furniture ideas that you can incorporate into your home to make it more functional and spacious.

Foldable dining tables can save a lot of space

If you want to save space and make your house functional, you can think about adding a foldable table in your dining area. Usually, we do not use the dining table most of the time. But, this table can take up a lot of space in your home. So, you can attach the table to the wall with hinges and make the most use of the space when the table is not in use. You can fold its legs and keep it away from that area so that you can create a lot of space there.

Add built-In floating Shelves

You can add built-in floating shelves in your small house so that you can put unused items on the upper shelf and the necessary ones on the lower shelf where you can easily reach out. If you create more storage by adding these shelves, then you will find more open space on your floor.

Sliding Doors instead of regular doors

When we open the doors it takes up a lot of areas thereby covering much of the floor space. So, sliding doors can be a good idea to save a lot of floor space. This way, you can open the door without blocking the floor space and generate more square footage for your small house.

Choose light color paint for a small space

If you choose light colors for the walls of your small house then it will make the space brighter and bigger. Moreover, the natural and lighter shades will reflect most of the light to make the space look brighter. This will make your home look airy, fresh, and clean.

Choose light color paint for a small space

Under-the-stairs storage cabinets can be a smart idea

You can add storage cabinets in the space under your stairs to make optimum use of the space. The area under the stairs often remains unused. But, you can use this space as your storage unit by building cabinets accordingly.

More space savings ideas for your small dwelling space

There are abundant strategies you can plan to create more space in your small living area. With flawless execution of these ideas, you can always stretch out despite having limited space.

Substitute closet space

Many smaller homes lack adequate closet space and this could make entryway storage extremely challenging. So, you can always think of having a substitute closer space. You can plan anything from hooks to open shelves for this space.

Add incremental storage

You can plan to have incremental storage in a small space. You can consider plenty of add-ons such as narrow shelf addition placed strategically. It could be an ideal space to keep glass canisters

Use the altitude

In a tight space, you can always ponder over the idea of using altitude. You can plan to have ceiling-high cabinets that will enhance storage capacity in a small space.


If you want to build a house with a lot of storage cabinets and functional appliances then you need to plan your home remodeling project with a professional contractor. If you want a hassle-free general remodeling service in Los Angeles then we can help you out. Our home remodelers are skilled enough to introduce new trends in home remodeling that will help generate a lot of storage space without making your house look clumsy. Moreover, you can choose the furniture carefully to make sure your house does not look too occupied.


By saving space, you create better organizational flow and you can do things streamlined and in a stress-free manner.

  • Decorate every inch

  • Add thoughtful pops of color.

  • Choose cohesiveness over convention

You can plan to have custom built-ins. They enhance storage capacity and also act as a cover for your bare walls

  • De-clutter the space

  • Embrace smaller furniture

  • Make the space look bigger by strategic placement of mirrors.

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